Last night, I went to church.
You might think of this as rather strange and I don't blame you. But let me tell you this: when someone you shared a flat with for one month, and with whom you had a really great connection, invites you to go to church in one of London's prominent theaters, you can not just ignore it. Especially when the lady's from Dallas, Texas, USA.
In a theater? Yes, that's what I first thought. Upon arrival, loads of people were rushing in the theater. I asked my friend where they were going. To church, she said. I was getting suspicious.
You might have been to a gospel-service or you might have seen or been to a big service in the States, those kind of services where you have big screens, microphones and a lot (as in very much) people.
But this, blew me away!
Let's mix
High School Musical
Kings of Leon
This is the best description
for the warm welcome we were given. |
Like a concert.
Hands in the air.
Shaking hips.
Singing, screaming, clapping. |
I was about to faint, surrounded by this unseen spectacle. I've had my share of wild parties and concerts, but this, so unannounced, hit me out of the blue.
Looking over to my friend, who's leaving London in two weeks, I saw a very happy and believing person. She felt what all the others were feeling. Love.
The service was filled with inspiring speeches, more music and beautiful videos (of course shown on the huge screens).
I don't feel the need to use this blog to share my beliefs or discuss differences between my points of view and those of my friend, but I can tell you, this truly opened my eyes. I understood that my view on church and religion is just a fragment of all the experiences people have.
Whatever you believe in, don't take your viewing points for granted. Believe strongly, but be aware that there is much more. Joining my friend and her church-buddies to a nearby bar, we had the most amazing talk you could ever imagine on a Sunday night.
Discussing our opinions and thoughts, talking about same-sex relationships, sex before marriage, and many other things, it both richened us.
Just to say, sometimes you should just step into the unknown, grab the hand of a friend to be guided in a place where you don't necessarily feel at home. It might just open your eyes to a whole new world.
XX // T.L.
Love - from, in and to - London. - The Londonist