
Madness rocks the mind

Only five days left in my hometown, the lovely and delightful Antwerp...

Along with this countdown, of course, comes a healthy dose of stress: 

Mails (as in TONS of them) - Payments to be done (by and to me) - Texting - Calling - Scanning - Faxing - ...

My future depends on my all-in-one mobile and my new Moleskine diary*...a combination of technology and nostalgia, but both true lifesavers, I tell you!

But then, out of nothing, the universe sent me a very clear signal, through this picture in Weekend Knack: 

God knows who she is, but thank you babe! Both hilarious and beautiful, the picture calms me down and makes me realize there is nothing to be worried about. 

By the way, the message she's spreading, was invented by no one less than the British! Here's what Wikipedia taught me: 

Keep Calm and Carry On was a poster produced by the British government in 1939 during the beginning of World War II, to raise the morale of the British public in the case of invasion. It was little known and never used. The poster was rediscovered in 2000 and has been re-issued by a number of private sector companies, and used as the decorative theme for a range of other products.
Wonder if the people behind the shoot are aware of this? FYI, here's the poster: 

Me gusto! 

*Little story about this Moleskine: For this specific item, one should always go to Pencil & Paper, when in Antwerp. I needed one that also had the last months of 2010 in it, but (all confused) ended up buying one that only begins in January. Found out after I payed, while talking to the extremely friendly ladies who own the shop. Having a little diary-meltdown on the spot, they offered me a 2010 Moleskine...for free! Pencil & Paper, I thank you & I love you! 

XX // T.L. 

 Love - from, in and to - London. - The Londonist

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