
Meet & Greet in the Sunny City

Buon Giorno, come stai?

I'm so happy to be able to tell you I've only had good weather since my arrival here...as in REALLY good weather, for London that is. A good portion of sunshine and a very nice temperature, which are, in my opinion, very good reasons to sit down for a glass of wine and enjoy a quiet moment in this crazy city. 

One of my favourite spots for a view: Temple Station.
This morning, Federica and I hopped on the Metropolitan Line to Oxford Circus. We arrived perfectly on time, and I can now proudly call myself an official student of the University of Westminster in London. Hardcore cool, it may be not, but still...

Some of us were feeling thirsty, so we went to this place right on the corner of Little Titchfield Street, to enjoy a drink (a double espresso in my case) in the sun. This is where I met Emma from Sweden, who joined me, Federica and Anne-Sophie from France...

Also, I proudly introduce my faithful Italian, Federica, who I described as the "female version of myself in the UK"...

We gathered again with the other people from our class until it was time for lunch. I got to meet Adam, also from Lund in Sweden, who is really Swedish, as you'd expect Swedish people to be. I impressed Emma and Adam with my basic knowledge of their language, still have to learn some more though. We ended up to eat at EAT on Regent Street, what a coincidence. But here comes the best part: I had a plate of cheap-ass SUSHI! I ate, I enjoyed and I knew it was good. 

In the afternoon, we went for a walk with half of the group, guided by a very funny little, energetic man. The best part was getting to know all these people, better! 

Say hello to the Raynaud sisters from France, Emilie & Elise...can you spot them? We also have Italian-French girl Mathilde, standing in between them...she's from Paris, good girl for sure! The only guy on the picture is Pedro Gomes from Portugal, a really cool person, with a very Portuguese attitude, love it! On his right, you've got Clothilde from France, followed by Anne-Sophie from France, who joined me for coffee and lunch before. Then...OLA! The two Spanish girls, Fatima and Adella...love these two charming characters and I think Adella is the most Spanish person you could imagine in London. Like me, she likes to have a healthy dose of fun and drinks...so we went to get this at The George Bar, on the corner of Essex Street. 

Our heads are pumping...so many things to do and arrange, but coming up are: London Fashion Weekend, Regent Street Festival and '80's clubbing! 

Absolutely loving every moment and advising you to do the same! 

XX // T.L. 

 Love - from, in and to - London. - The Londonist

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