
Reasons to live in London: #1

You can meet this sexy bitch! 

I'm talking about the one on the left. Can you recognize her? It's Miss Kate Moss, the legendary supermodel, who can still be seen in EVERY fashion magazine. Even after some scandals, which made her even more popular, she is still rocking her killer body and stunning face in ad campaigns for the world's most known clothing brands. All this, at the age of 36!

Often being a fashion icon, this is clearly not the case when she was playing a role in Little Britain. This series is as funny as the picture itself:

Anyway. Given the fact I'll soon reside in London, it's simple: I have to meet Kate Moss! How, where & when are questions that don't really matter, as destiny will bring us together: 

- She loves to party, so do I!
- She loves to shop, yes, so do I, although I might have a different budget! 
- She loves festivals, hell yes, mud and beats (with moderation, though)! 
- She loves coffee, YES, I could even write love songs about coffee!

Plus, it only takes us 30 minutes in the tube to reach each other's houses...CRAZY! So, as you can see, this unexpected meeting is bound to happen anytime soon. 

(And when it does, I'll swim across the Thames, naked!)

To end this crazy post about my ever-present Kate Moss-madness, let me show you a different, patriotic side of her: 

XX // T.L.

Love - from, in and to - London.

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