

I was talking with my best friend on Skype before and realized that no matter if you're in London or Spain, reality is something you don't always like to be faced with. Hearing her complaints about things that needed to be fixed, made me think about my own 'struggle' to settle down in mad funky London. 

Simply put, a new start is something that will pay off, but at the same time it will test you. But when ,after all, you find yourself surrounded by happiness...you know you've made it. And every place on earth has prepared its little test for you, whether it's food or formality causing you distress...I always believe that in the end, all will be alright! 

This brings me to my philosophy on life, or part of it. Be prepared to learn from every experience in life!

It might be a hard struggle with little pay-off, or it might be a party opening endless doors for you...it will teach you something. Shit happens, but you can learn from it, you'll get wiser. 

Everything happens for a reason, is actually what I'm trying to say. 

You may find this is bullshit and believe that you cause everything what happens, but in my case, I won't ever blame myself for something bad happening, it's something that was meant to be & I'll get benefits from it...in the long run. Turn every negative into a positive, which will make the positive things even better...and your life will look very different. 

So my dearest friend: read this & hang in there...OLA QUE TAL? 

XX // T.L. 

 Love - from, in and to - London. - The Londonist

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